Sunday, December 6, 2009

R rated movie and kids???

My friend and I are planning on going to see the movie "Pathology" in theatres tomorrow, it is rated R in America, and here in the UK it is a 18.

Since we are only 15, will we have to have an adult come in with us? My mom said she would buy our tickets and just walk in with us but leave even if she had to buy a ticket for herself.

Will we be able to watch it?

R rated movie and kids???oper

yeah, that will work. and your mom can go get a refund when she leaves since she didn't watch it

R rated movie and kids???hollywood theater opera theater

Oh yeah, that works every time. They aren't so strict that they go searching the seats to try to find you and make sure your parents are still there. My dad used to do that all the time for my younger brother before he turned 18.
yeah you should be good, if you sit like 3 or 4 rows from the back, and in the middle, in case any movie managers are there, so your quite unreachable, and it will be dark, just act mature and youll be fine

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